Gofalaeth Glannau Ogwr | Pastorate by the Ogmore
Welsh Congregationalists
Tabernacl Bridgend | Tabernacl Porthcawl
Sunday Services in Welsh
Bridgend 9.45am | Porthcawl 11.15am
A warm welcome to all, including visitors and Welsh learners
Coming Soon
21 September, 10am-4pm: Tabernacl Porthcawl Open Day
- Photo exhibition: “Porthcawl in the 1930s”, guided tours, treasure hunt, games and prizes and refreshments
In partnership with Cadw and Porthcawl Museum
28 September, 10am-4om: History Exhibition at Tabernacl Bridgend
- Exhibition about Owain Glyndŵr and Coety Castle, local exhibits, a book stall by Cant a Mil, Cardiff and refreshments
In partnership with Cymdeithas Hanes Bro Ogwr
Our mission
Our mission is to help people learn about Jesus Christ and to become members of his family.
We work to nurture and deepen people’s faith, to help them fulfil their mission in the church and wider world, to the Glory of God’s name.